Saturday, September 24, 2011

To Honduras and Alaska and Back!

I suppose my vacation(s) ended this afternoon as I finally sat down in front of my computer and tackled the mountains of emails from the past 2 or so weeks. It's pretty sad when the majority of my emails are from Groupon and Livingsocial- I guess it's time to dial down the number of emails I receive from them everyday...

The last month has been a blur, constantly on-the-go! I guess I should recap my entire month of September. In a sentence: after working full-time the last 2 months, it was finally vacation time!

1. Our college group headed off to camping at Deception Pass for a few amazing days (yes, shockingly, no one was hurt even with Billy around!). As much as I want to hate on camping (ew... living in the woods?!), I had fun and didn't (quite) want to come back!
2. The moment I got back from camping, the realization hit- I was heading out-of-the-country in a few short days. Yes, at the age of 23, I was finally (kinda) traveling by myself! Yet, I had one last hurdle to jump through before my medical mission trip to Honduras- work presentation. Luckily, my neurons were firing on all cylinders, and I super-charged through preparing for my presentation (hmm, I barely remember the topic now... oh yes- New Treatments for Hepatitis C). Presentation done? Check! Off to Honduras!
3. My trip to Honduras (not technically a "vacation" since our brigade went to Honduras with a purpose) blew away all my expectations and trepidation. I was a little nervous, going on a trip to a foreign country for the first time with a group of pharmacy students that I didn't really know (most were a year below me). However, I had a wonderful time! The people in my brigade were awesome, the Honduran people were amazing, and the week flew by! Expect a separate blogpost on Honduras... coming soon *fingers crossed*.
4. Then it was home in Seattle for a short stay. Short, but enough time to meet up with some old high school friends that I haven't seen in years! It brought me waaay back to high school days. It was relaxing to discover that even though I haven't seen them recently, it was so easy to chat and have a good time.
5. Then to wrap it all up, the fam and I went on an Alaskan cruise for 7 days. Good food, good entertainment, aaaand lots of rain. Oh well, I'm from Seattle- I'm used to it!

Not wanting to brag... but I had an unbelievably amazing wonderful fantastic summer! Even before the month of September, with all the hangouts and BBQs and game nights, I can perhaps say THIS was the best summer of my life!

Okay, enough with the words. I know everyone just wants to see the pictures! Here are a few of my favorites :)

First day in Honduras, right before
the tropical thunderstorm hit!
Anybody recognize the country? :)

Hello from Alaska! 
Ice sculptures!
Me with Sam the Seal!
Walking the pier in Victoria, BC