Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Welcome In, 2014!

I'm pretty jaded and don't usually believe in new year resolutions. Aren't they just markers for failure and self-loathing? This sentiment is probably the results of years of disappointment. I start strong... and start fading in February; by March, any attempt at a change has gone out the window. 

However, I read an article on my favorite blog about setting goals over a monthly period, rather than yearly. That makes lots of sense to me. It's definitely easier to change a habit or start a new healthy habit when the end of the tunnel is in 30 days. So I'll be taking my goals a month at a time... and if they work out, great! And I'll try to keep them going, but just making one month is the goal. 

And as I have learned through residency, setting measurable, achievable goals are paramount in importance. Goals and resolutions should be realistic, and progression can be tracked by measurable outcomes. A resolution to "be more healthy" should include details such as "lose ___ pounds by ___ weeks/months" or "limit eating out to 1-2 times per week." 

Below are my resolutions for the year. I only have a few, because anymore will stretch me out too thin and make me too cranky! Too many changes at once and discourage anyone... so I figure trying to meet a few good ones is better than failing a whole lot of resolutions. 
  1. Be open to new experiences outside my comfort zone. Try something original at least once a quarter. 
  2. Pray for my non-Christian family and friends at least once a week. 
  3. Limit spending on frivolous items (*ahem* clothing and shoes...)
  4. Exercise... the bane of my life *sigh*
    1. 150 minutes of exercise per week according to recommended guidelines