Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Movies with the 'Rents and Sugar Coated Pecans

Saw Tangled with Yannie (ten going on eleven years old!). Loved it. LOVED it. I totally want to see it again! My parents saw Tron instead (didn't like the fluffy Disney animated films).

So far, pretty relaxing winter break. Doing some reading: finished Les Mis for the second time in a day. I start with the intent of savoring Hugo's work, instead I get absorbed into the plot and zoom through. Didn't quite read morning till night, but close. Currently reading, and about to finish, The Memory Keeper's Daughter. It's a good read thus far, I enjoy it.

Finally tried this Sugar Coated Pecan recipe while Angela was at my house this weekend! I can't believe I waited this long. It's ridiculously easy and produces a delicious snack (while reading, of course)! Plus, it makes the whole house warm and smell like cinnamon. I made 2 batches. First time, I followed the recipe with previous bakers' modifications. My parents verdict: delicious, but too sweet. Second time, I added my pecans, and kept the sugar mixture the same. Here is it!

Sugar Coated Pecans (with my modifications)

3 egg whites
2 tbsp vanilla extract
1 tbsp water
2 lbs whole pecans
1 1/2 cup white sugar
1 1/2 tsp salt
1 tsp cinnamon

  1. Beat egg whites with vanilla and water until foamy. Add pecans and thoroughly coat.
  2. Combine sugar, salt, and cinnamon in separate bowl. Then add the sugar mixture in parts to pecans. Thoroughly coat pecans with each addition of sugar.
  3. Preheat oven to 250 degrees F. Cover 2 baking sheets with aluminum foil and grease foil.
  4. Spread pecan pieces evenly on baking sheets. Bake for 1 hour, stirring nuts every 15 minutes.
I got lazy the second time and stirred the nuts only twice before taking them out of the oven. Turned out fine. The foil is a must, saves you from having to scrub the dried sugar crust off your baking pans! This makes quite a bit of pecans... but they keep well in airtight containers, plus they make great gifts! Costco sells 2 lb. bags of pecans for about 10 bucks... it's totally worth it!

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