Thursday, March 31, 2011

HZGG Marathon

I have an addictive personality. I just spent the last day and a half watching 16 hours of Huan Zhu Ge Ge (Chinese period drama). At once liberating that I can do exactly what I want, but also quite unproductive. Even though it is only the first week of school (and I have no classes on Thursdays), I really should have spent some of those hours reviewing my schoolwork.

I know myself, and that's why I don't usually start watching new TV shows or watch Asian dramas or start a new hobby or pick up a good book during the school year. I get hooked, and can't stop watching/reading/obsessing. Often, the only cure for the addiction is to finish what has been begun. My logic is, the faster I finish, the faster I can get back to my normal life. But sometimes even finishing the show doesn't work, I will still end up re-watching my favorite parts and thinking about the characters and plot. Gotta kick this addictive habit! It's making me lose sleep, skip meals (or eat cereal for dinner), put aside all my responsibilites. I'm becoming guilty of what I always chide my brother for: being glued to the computer screen watching mindless shows.

However, if you cared, I have listed out my top 5 favorite moments of the first season of HZGG (these are my feel good moments that I can watch endlessly on loop)!
  1. Erkang finds Ziwei at You You Gu
  2. Erkang rescuing Ziwei from the Empress and evil Rong Muo Muo's needle torture
  3. Yongqi tries to tell Xiao Yan Zi his feelings for her
  4. Erkang's martial arts performance against the Tibetans in a competition before the Emperor and the Tibetan king
  5. Erkang first tells Ziwei his feelings for her
...basically any Erkang and Ziwei interaction!


  1. i like xiaoyanzi and yongqi more than the other couple. yongqi is very cute! lol

  2. I wish I was as gentle, smart, eloquent in Chinese, educated, caring, forgiving and merciful as Ziwei...
