Thursday, May 19, 2011

Bong Bong's 21st!

So what have I been doing recently... besides failing at medchem that is. It's been a long few weeks. It's cruel how 2 midterms can really take over, completely control, and destroy my life. Okaaay, "destroy" may be a bit of an overexaggeration. But you get the gist- little play makes Lydia quite unhappy. I'm missing girls' night and baking parties!

I've been neglecting blogging. I have so much to TELL! Alas, I also have so much I want to DO (here I come, gardening/volleyball/baking/cooking/movies!).

May started off with a bang with Bong Bong's 21st birthday! The girls in his life took the energy, consideration, and love to plan a surprise birthday party!

Cake? Check? Balloons? Check! Keeping the party a secret? Check! Hiding and giving Ben a heart attack? Check! I even did my part with delaying Ben from getting home too early... ah yes, I pulled my "annoying sister" act off quite well!

Besties! Except I hear that Ben would choose "girls before bros"

That's right! BBQ time! All summer!

Best Original Birthday Cake

Silly kids

Party Planner and Birthday Boy

Is that a dessert I see?
Anytime is perfect for s'mores!

Perfect burgers

All grown-up!

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