Sunday, June 19, 2011

Wide-Eyed Caffeine Infusion

I can proudly declare that I am NOT a coffee-dependent Seattle-ite. Even when midterms, finals, and early mornings roll around during the schoolyear, I don't run straight for the coffee-stand. Coffee simply does not appeal- who chooses to drink bitter, unpleasant liquid that leaves a lingering bad taste in your mouth?

But this past week I had a taste of the attraction that caffeine (better known in our society as "coffee") offers. For once I was early to work, so I decided to stop by the busy Harborview cafe hub. I am such a newb that I didn't even know how to order my drink. The barista gently prompted me as I stumbled over my order: "uh... a macchiato, the sweet kind... you know..." Finally, four dollars short later, I had my double tall (I think that means two shots of espresso?) iced (but not too much ice) caramel macchiato.

My goodness, did that morning fly by or what! I felt like I was on-fire all day in the pharmacy- churning out prescriptions, getting medications filled, clearly counseling my patients! It was a startling change to be wide awake, coherent, and active so early in the morning. Not only was it doing a world of good for my patients, but I found that I was also more talkative and engaging around the pharmacy staff. I definitely experienced the caffeine buzz... and I liked it!

Yet, I am still not completely committed to $4 coffees every morning. Thoughts whirl around my head: What if I become tolerant, and don't attain the wide-awake sensation from caffeine anymore? Or maybe I was just making up the "caffeine buzz" effect, and it was in reality just a normal day. What about falling into caffeine addiction, and I can no longer function without the stimulant in the morning?

I should not so readily give away my independence and the control of my life to some brownish, muddy highly-addictive (as my classmates attest to) substance.

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