Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Birthday Party Madness

When did getting together with friends become so difficult? Oh right, when everyone has a different schedule and can't make the designated date/time, but have ideas on how to change the before-mentioned date/time to one they can make.

Last 24 hours of birthday hell plays out like this: PM can't make Thursday dinner with Group 1 friends, because of work, and asks to move Group 1 birthday dinner to Wednesday night. Except Birthday Girl L cannot make Wed. night because of pre-arranged plans with Group 2 friends. Then Tuesday night, all hell breaks loose. L has a change-of-heart (plus a little too much sugar), and really would like to include PM in birthday dinner (L feels especially guilty because PM got L a delicious birthday present). L tries to swap dinner times for Group 1 and Group 2. Group 2 seems amiable to switching, especially since no one has been rsvp-ing (Group 1 = flakes and "maybe" people). Group 2 is willing to switch to having dinner on Thursday. L calls up Group 1 people and tries to confirm the swap (Thursday dinner really is a Wednesday dinner, you following?). Most Group 1 people are fine with the switch, except MT drags her feet and keeps saying "I'll get back to you." L is frantic, since MM and AT are waiting for L's response. L calls MT multiple times, and gets a "hold on" each time. Finally, MT tells that she does not want to switch dates because sis GT cannot make Wednesday, but can make Thursday. L's plans hang in limbo, because she was already almost-confirmed the switch to MM and AT. L calls up MM frantically, to say: JK, no switch in date. And re-emails everyone that date/time remains the same, no change. L realizes she can't make everyone in the world happy, and if she really tries, L just ends up unhappy herself.

Next day, no on in Group 2 seems to be able to make the Wednesday dinner, which was hinted at and emailed out almost a week ago. Turns out many Group 2 people have meetings at the set time, and want to push back the time. L is in no mood to compromise. TL wants to go, but bf EH can't make it till 5pm, and wants to push the even back. FR asks whether other people can attend, and insinuates they were forgotten from the guest list, even though he is not for-sure attending. AT and L are enraged. L finally realizes she does not care if it's not a big party with lots of people, because, in reality, these people are not attending for her. They keep changing their minds and can't give a solid yes or no response. L decides to not rely on others and do things herself.

"Dangit, I'm going to get my XLB at DTF at 4pm, whether you can make it or not!"

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