Saturday, January 15, 2011

Multi-Tasking Away

I told my mom today I belong to the "multi-tasking generation." I can't seem to do just one thing at a time. Right now it's watching the Ravens vs. Steelers (go ravens!) game while listening to Youtube clips (was introduced to kurthugoschneider and now can't stop watching his music videos) and intermittently blogging. The problem with multi-tasking is I can't seem to slow down my brain even when I want to sometimes. After my midterm Friday, I was so wired that I couldn't sleep on the entire bus ride from Seattle to Portland. No caffeine needed. My brain oo busy thinking about next steps and plans and to-do lists.

$3.25 Fork
This past Thursday I was at work heating up my lunch (leftover Chipotle) when I realized I did not have a fork. (Yes, I know, a burrito usually is hands-on food, but reheated tortilla wraps are too soft to be held properly.) I usually bring a ziplock bag of plastic disposable utensils with me in my backpack, but failed to do so today. The nearest cafe only had forks upon request, and I was too embarrassed/shy to ask for a fork while holding a container of leftovers. Ended up buying a cup of soup just to get a fork. Fortunately, I absolutely fell in love with tomato basil soup. Fresh tomato chunks in a creamy base. Yummy! It inspired me to make my own sometime! 

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