Saturday, January 29, 2011


Thursday- January 27, 2011

5:28pm- I head home after a long (but rewarding) afternoon at clinic, and hop onto the bus that takes me downtown. I flash my bus pass as I get on the bus.

5:45pm- I transfer to the express bus that takes me home. Downtown is a free ride area, so I don't think about showing my bus pass as I get onto the bus.

5:59pm- As the bus nears my stop, I start searching for my bus pass. No bus pass in my pockets or backpack. Panic sets in.

6:05pm- The bus is one stop away from where I get off, and thankfully I have enough change to pay my bus fare. My thoughts are racing, frantically thinking where my bus pass possibly could be. I feel light-headed, like I am in a dream-state. I think, "This can't be happening. I can't possibly have lost my bus pass and school ID card..."

6:10pm- I pay $2.50 in bus fare, and rush home. As soon as I get home, I exclaim to my brother and Patty, "I THINK I LOST MY BUS PASS!!!" I turn my backpack inside out, upside down, and search my jacket and pockets one more time. I finally admit that my bus pass is gone.

6:25pm- I call the Metro Lost & Found, get stuck in a telephone phone tree endless loop, and frustratingly get no adequate answers.

6:35pm- I call my mom to vent about losing my bus pass. The bus pass is worth about $100, plus I would need a replacement ID card. I can't believe how stupid I am in not taking care of my stuff better. My mom tries to comfort me by telling me that it's a small matter, and not a big deal. I exclaim, "But I'm trying to save up for an iPhone!!! This will make a dent in my budget!"

7:15pm- A few sisters from church arrive to my house to fellowship and chat and eat. The first thing I tell them is, "My day sucked! I lost my bus pass and ID card today!"

Later on in the evening, we devoted some time in prayer. I was truly comforted by all my sisters' prayers and concern for me. Even thought it was, retrospectively, a very small matter, we were able to lift up the issue in prayer. Whether or not I found my bus pass, I felt that everything would be alright.

10:30pm- Before I started studying, I had some personal prayer time with the Lord. I was able to give up the issue (it had been gnawing at me all night) of a lost bus pass into God's hands. Instead of continually berating myself about how I could possibly lose my bus pass and analyzing every step I took this afternoon and wondering where my bus pass possibly could be, I wanted to let the Lord take care of everything. A sense of peace filled my heart, to the extent that I was able to focus and study.

1:30am- I woke up in the middle of the night, and reached over to the side of my bed for my iTouch. I quickly checked my emails. I had a new email, with the subject line: "Husky card found" and the message below:

Hey Lydia,

I picked up your husky card/upass as I was walking down 3rd ave this evening. I'll just leave it with the front desk at the law library tomorrow morning.

You're welcome,

Praise the Lord. I do want to chalk this up to God as His miracle. It wasn't a coincidence or pure luck that a UW student picked up my bus pass, rather than some bum on the street (my downtown bus stop is SKETCHY). In God's perfect timing, He was teaching me to trust Him in all things and He will provide.

How wonderful He is.



  1. i wish blogspot had "like" ...because i would totally "like" this post:). God is so good. ..and so faithful even with the little things:). see ya tomorrow!

  2. you never know--some bum might've turned your card in too!

    I lost my phone twice. Once some lady who worked at Bed, Bath, and Beyond ended up calling 4-5 people in my address book to try to get in touch with me. The other time it miraculously showed up in lost and found and I have no idea who turned it in. But I guess back then I had a relatively old phone...
