Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Capitol Hill Adventure @ Joe Bar

They say that pictures speak a thousand words. I'll let the pictures describe my Friday afternoon Capitol Hill escapade with Annie and Cassie! 

Idyllic courtyard with gate slightly ajar.
I snuck in to take a quick peek.
Only on my way out did I noticed the "PRIVATE NO TRESPASSING" sign. 
Upstairs seating and menu. 

Afternoon mocha

Sweet crepe filled with Nutella
and fresh strawberries and bananas.

Savory crepe: tomatoes, basil, and mozzarella

Joe Bar was very charming, in an antiquated, hole-in-the-wall way. The narrow staircase fascinated me, and I so wanted to sit in on the upstairs tables! Alas, seating was few and we barely managed to snag a small table right by the door as it was.

Verdict on the food: My morning glory chai was not as creamy and filling as I had expected. It was truly more "tea" than "chai." It was quite thin, and not frothy as I prefer it. My savory crepe (not pictured) was also not too appetizing. I don't know what possessed me, someone with a ho-hum attitude to blue cheese, to order a crepe filled with blue cheese, spinach, and red bell peppers. Must've been the attraction of the spinach and roasted red peppers... However, as you know, blue cheese is quite overpowering. While I managed to finish the crepe, I would not order it again. Cassie's sweet crepe with Nutella and fresh fruit was quite good, but she and I both agreed the crepe is also very doable at home and probably not worth the price. Annie had a much better savory crepe with a milder cheese. Yet, as I sat there at Joe Bar, my mind drifted to the decadent crepes we had at Jewel Box just a few weeks ago... If I am going to eat crepes at a restaurant, I expect rich sauces and beautiful presentation. Joe Bar, as much as I wanted to like it, fell short. 

Rating: 2 out of 5 stars

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