Friday, April 8, 2011

To Do Something Right, Do It Yourself

"I forgot" just doesn't cut it. What's wrong with all the boys these days? I guess I need to spell out exactly what is "unacceptable" behavior for them.

1. Promising to do something, and NOT following through- how do you expect me to trust you in the future?
2. Using excuses to try to justify yourself when you messed up, instead of manning up- I really don't want to hear your excuses... even worse, I don't want you to blame me for what you should have done!
3. Calling for a ride 30 minutes before an event- this is just being irresponsible...

Oh, I'm sure there are more, but I'm too angry to try to remember all those negative memories of when boys in my life have let me down.

Pictures of my disastrous morning to come soon...

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