Friday, April 15, 2011

The Real World

I'm realizing how sheltered I truly am. This past week I overheard snippets of conversations around me (in public areas, to clarify) that were at the same time laughable and shocking.

The Worst
Location: Thai food with Kyle on Wednesday at Banana Leaf.
Since Banana Leaf was packed, we were squished into a tiny table inches away from another table, with 2 college boys. So we overheard everything, not by choice. Their conversations about their relationships (not that I would really call them that) was completely superficial and completely not-appropriate in a very public lunch setting. One of the guy's statement that "he could totally get laid this weekend if he wanted to" almost made me laugh out-loud. (He was NOT cute, either.) Plus, he went on to describe his ideal mood lighting, because he "wants to see something at least when doing it." Kyle and I definitely had a hard time keeping straight faces... As the conversation proceeded, I was shocked (outraged! disgusted! annoyed!) by how they were describing girls, and just how casual sex was to them.

The Laughable
Location: Bus #372 going home on Friday afternoon
On the bus today, while intently updating my Words with Friends account, I was interrupted by voices that sounded exactly like John Chen! In fact, it was such a close match, I looked up and expected to see John sitting next to me on the bus. Instead, I became the pedestrian to some Asian wanna-be gangsta boyz' (yes, with a Z) conversation on BIGNESS. "How BIG are you?" "Have you seen [insert name] recently?! He's huge!" "I really want to get big." Boys' fascination with their weight and "being big" is ridiculous! And this exchange did not end there, it continued all the way from UW to Lake City. Is that ALL they know to talk about? Talk about superficial. Well, then the conversation moved onto girls- high-maintenance girls, girls with big eyes, girls they would date, girls they wish they could date. As I got off the bus at my stop, I concluded, with absolute finality, boys are dumb and dumber (Mary, you're so right!).

My taste of the real, real world has been a complete turn-off. So glad I am surrounded by Christ-loving, moral people in my life!


  1. add me on word with friends lol. matchapuppy

    This is annie btw :)

  2. and yes, you are quite sheltered!

  3. Thanks Lyds =) I know I'm right but that's not even the worst part. You know how people say, "Oh when boys get older they will be more mature?" Complete and utter lie!! At school, there are plenty of boys older than me, in their late 20's, 30's and many fathers of 2, 3, 4 children already. And guess what they always talk about? Yeah, exactly what we all know all boys only ever care about. You'd think that in medical school "men" in their 30's/40's can be mature about studying genitalia, WRONG!!! It sickens me...I ask God to change my view, but my experiences every day only solidifies it more in concrete. This is a sad, sad world that we have to live in...
