Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Rock n' Wok

Well, the restaurant is really called Rocking Wok... but isn't my spelling more fanciful and memorable? I tried out this Taiwanese restaurant in Wallingford with my pharmacy school ladies this week. It was an incredible find! Who knew a legit Taiwanese restaurant was so close to UW? I definitely consider this a gem discovered.

The 4 of us ordered 1 or 2 dishes each, and got to taste test each other's choices. All the dishes were quite delicious, and cheap! Most of the dishes ranged from $4 to $8.

I ordered the Thousand Layer Pancakes, which was very flaky, melt-in-your-mouth bread, and Beef Shaved Noodle Soup. Yum! The soup was the perfect dish on a cold, rainy, very Seattle day. The noodle soup was about $6, and was a 1 person portion with chunks of beef, generous bok choy, and slightly chewy homemade noodles. Wendy ordered the Stinky Tofu with Chinese Kimchee (yes!) and Ground Pork with Egg over Noodles. Both very Taiwanese dishes. The stinky fried tofu was quite good... it had adequate "stinkyness" that is requisite, and the kimchee was a wonderful pairing. Wendy also quite enjoyed her noodle dish, and I will take her word for it considering how rapidly she devoured it! (I love you, Wendy!) Theresa had the Herbal Chicken (literal translation from Chinese is "Three Cup Chicken" because it takes 3 cups of sauce to make the dish). It smelled and looked delicious! Mel ordered Wontons in Chili Sauce and the Oyster Omelet. You can never go wrong with wontons in delicious, slightly spicy sauce! The oyster pancake, according to my 3 epicureans, was good. I was a bit too full and a bit of a wimp to try it.

I had a lovely experience at Rocking Wok, and would definitely go back soon! The menu is quite extensive, and there are many more dishes I want to try (their Popcorn Chicken heads the list). Though be warned, one dish may not satisfy. I think ordering 2 dishes per person was a great choice (unless you're Eric, then you may need to order 3-4 dishes), and it doesn't break the bank. I can't wait to take Shu and Kyle and my undergrad crowd there. It's almost a second Utopia!

Check out the food pictures (I really love the convenience of having a high-quality camera on my phone! I take pictures everywhere now!), and then scroll to the bottom for my rating of Rocking Wok.

Lovely Wendy with Ground Pork over Noodles and Stinky Tofu

Beef Shaved Noodle Soup

Wontons in Chili Sauce

Theresa's wonderful choice: Herbal Chicken

Oyster Omelet with Sweet Chili Sauce

Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars

1 comment:

  1. i am appalled that no one has commented on this post yet!!! okay i agree everything was yummy, and wendy did eat too much of everything and everyone's food. and btw we should go again because i got a haircut and so we can take another one of me with my stinky tofu and see my transformation. overall, their taiwanese food is authentic. althoughhhh portions could be bigger! <3
