Friday, February 4, 2011

Happy Chinese New Years!

My poor blog, are you feeling neglected? I have been ignoring you for almost a week now! But I promise, not by choice! Blame school- that evil time-sucking institution that has held me captive this past week!

Yet, eating poorly while studying frantically I have not! My mom came up to Seattle for Chinese New Years and cooked loads of yummy food for my brother and I a few days ago! Can I say... LUCKY ME?! I can't cook authentic Chinese food the way my mother churns it out seemingly effortlessly!

I have been eating too well the last few days... the holiday pounds truly are becoming a reality *shudder.* 

FEAST FROM THE EAST (I'm terrible at puns... I know!)
At least it's not "feast like... beasts?!"
The fourth place setting was for Patty, our roommate.
Dad was living it up in Taiwan with the real  Chinese New Year's celebration!

Ribs... yummy! This was my favorite!

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