Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Where's the Snow?

Weather gods... you have let me down. The past 24 hours was childish, eager anticipation of snowflakes (SNOW!), yet every time I glance outside, I see the same boring Seattle- cloudy and wet, and absolutely no snow sticking around! Yes, I'm not too much of a grown-up (yet) that I abhor even the thought of snow, and the terrible driving conditions, backed-up traffic, and stores shutting down that accompany it. Well, I'll continue to monitor and my window, but chances of snow accumulation and school shutting down is getting slimmer and slimmer by the hour, and still no snowflakes falling!

Ben and I made chicken katsu tonight and stir-fry veggies over rice. Easy, but super satisfying dinner. I can't say enough good things about making your own katsu at home... now, I never buy katsu at restaurants (sorry, Ichi Bento's!). Pros of homemade katsu: cheap, few ingredients (basically just chicken, egg, flour, and panko), fast, and yummy (tastes as good as the restaurant's). The hardest part for me was knowing when the chicken is done... so usually I leave the frying to Ben :). Cooking time depends on thickness of the chicken... if you're constantly unsure like me, invest in a meat thermometer.

Make sure you don't forget the bulldog sauce for the katsu! Time from start of preparation (not including thawing the chicken) to eating is probably 30-35 minutes with 2 of us in the kitchen, and we cooked a LOT of chicken! Below is the jump to the recipe, my very first post on this blog!

**Jump for Chicken Katsu**

1 comment:

  1. don't worry...i'm sure there'll be plenty of ice to keep things interesting you have leftover chicken to bring over?!? yum!
