Saturday, February 26, 2011

Food Consumption: Snapshot

Statistics on food consumption at our house:
  1. Ben and I (mostly Ben) finished FIVE DOZEN eggs the last month. That averages out to be an egg a day between the two of us. Lots of omelets...
  2. Main sources of protein: eggs and milk (50%) > chicken (30%) > seafood (15%) >> pork and beef (5%)
  3. Our #1 most cooked/eaten meal: congee with a fried egg and dried beef (tastes much better than it sounds!). Cereal might be a close second...
  4. Staples in our fridge and panty: canned tomatoes, pasta, eggs, rice, and frozen chicken breasts.
  5. Favorite junk food: CHIPS (we prefer salty to sweet)
Turns out that I mainly cook and Ben mainly eats. Gotta give him some credit though- he is a pro dishwasher and great with the knife (...I'm pretty scary with a knife, fortunately no fingers cut-off yet).

Typical exchange around 5pm every night:
Lydia: "What should we eat tonight?"
Ben: "..." *takes off headphones* "What?"
Lydia: *louder* "What do you want to eat for dinner?"
Ben: "iunno."
Lydia: *sigh* "Katsu? Congee? Pasta?"
Ben: "umm... " *still staring at his computer screen*
Lydia: "Fine, let's make katsu. I'll take out the chicken from the freezer."
Ben: "Okay."

Friday, February 25, 2011

TGIF... and Homemade Granola Bars

Today was one of those days... Alarm didn't go off (phone ran out of batteries in the middle of the night) and missed my first class. Was deceived by the brilliant blue skies and sunshine, and was hit by frigid cold as I walked out of the house. Then as I got on the bus, I realized I left my bus pass at home in the other jacket pocket. And of course, I skipped breakfast and felt light-headed all morning in class.

Buuut, all in all, no damage done! Got class notes from awesome friend. Needed to brave the cold for only short periods of time. My winning smile and great excuse ("uh... I left my bus pass at home today... can I still please get on the bus???") got me TWO free bus rides (to school and back!).

Friday afternoons are awesome! It's been my tradition since high school... after school on Fridays are reserved for relaxing, more relaxing, and fun! No homework, no studying, no stress allowed! Usually I squander the time with napping, catching up on Grey's Anatomy, baking, cleaning (I'm weird I know... I choose to clean in my free time!).

Really flexible and easy granola bar recipe below! Basically, requires 3 cups of oats and 3 1/2 cups of anything you would like! Suggestions for the "3 1/2 cups of anything" include: dried fruit (i.e. cranberries, raisins), nuts (i.e. sliced almonds), chocolate chips, trail mix, granola, coconut, etc. Possibilities endless! Personalize with your favorite ingredients.

Made-From-Scratch Granola Bars (Lyd's Version)

3 cups quick-cooking oats
1 cup sliced almonds
1 cup white chocolate chips
1 cup granola
1/2 cup coconut flakes
2 tbsp. butter, melted
1 can (14 oz.) sweetened condensed milk


  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Grease 9x13 inch pan with cooking spray. 
  2. Mix oats, almonds, chocolate chips, granola, and coconut flakes until thoroughly mixed. Stir in melted butter and condensed milk in large bowl. (Tip #1: heat can of condensed milk in warm water before opening, so easily to mix). 
  3. Press and flatten mixture into prepared pan. (Tip #2: Use waxed paper to press down on mixture to avoid sticky hands!) 
  4. Bake in oven for 20-25 minutes, until edges are lightly browned. Cool for 5 minutes, then cut into bars. Cool completely. 

Matthew 5:14-16

14You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden;
 15nor does anyone light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on the lampstand, and it gives light to all who are in the house.
 16Let your light shine before men in such a way that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father who is in heaven.

--encouragement from today's Bible reading--

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Where's the Snow?

Weather gods... you have let me down. The past 24 hours was childish, eager anticipation of snowflakes (SNOW!), yet every time I glance outside, I see the same boring Seattle- cloudy and wet, and absolutely no snow sticking around! Yes, I'm not too much of a grown-up (yet) that I abhor even the thought of snow, and the terrible driving conditions, backed-up traffic, and stores shutting down that accompany it. Well, I'll continue to monitor and my window, but chances of snow accumulation and school shutting down is getting slimmer and slimmer by the hour, and still no snowflakes falling!

Ben and I made chicken katsu tonight and stir-fry veggies over rice. Easy, but super satisfying dinner. I can't say enough good things about making your own katsu at home... now, I never buy katsu at restaurants (sorry, Ichi Bento's!). Pros of homemade katsu: cheap, few ingredients (basically just chicken, egg, flour, and panko), fast, and yummy (tastes as good as the restaurant's). The hardest part for me was knowing when the chicken is done... so usually I leave the frying to Ben :). Cooking time depends on thickness of the chicken... if you're constantly unsure like me, invest in a meat thermometer.

Make sure you don't forget the bulldog sauce for the katsu! Time from start of preparation (not including thawing the chicken) to eating is probably 30-35 minutes with 2 of us in the kitchen, and we cooked a LOT of chicken! Below is the jump to the recipe, my very first post on this blog!

**Jump for Chicken Katsu**

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Eating to Fuel Studying

Recently, I've been feeling the need to EAT in order to study... which is quite terrible news for my waistline. Eating is my reward for studying. It plays out like this in my head: "If you finish reviewing the notes and the problem sets, you can indulge in a bowl of ice cream (or that chocolate bar sitting on your desk or the Girl Scout cookies downstairs)."

It's gotten so bad to the point that I won't study unless there is FOOD at the end of the ordeal... heck, I can't even make it through studying before gobbling down loads of sweets! Sometimes, I give myself a reward just for starting to study... and then intermittent breaks (that have become more and more frequent) where I wander downstairs and peruse my pantry. 

In the spirit of full disclosure, I'll list out all the junk food I've eaten today. Maybe it'll make me feel so bad about myself, I'll stop giving in to my food cravings... probably a long-shot. I started out with a sprinkle-covered chocolate donut this morning, then gummy worms (thank you, Winco!), broke out the Girl Scout cookies by the afternoon (Samoas mmhmm), and devoured an entire Hershey's bar in under 10 minutes just now. Hmm, well I guess that isn't too bad... I haven't quite given in to my ice cream craving, but then again, the night is still young, and I really should be studying instead of blogging right now...

Overall, I think I need to find a new way to motivate myself besides food... to save myself from potential obesity and diabetes.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Birthday Success!

Had a wonderful weekend at home with the 'rents and bro. I love going home, because I'm treated like a guest! My mom fusses over me, cooks for me, and for the most part I just soak it in :).

As for my dad's birthday, in the end what he really really wanted was just a quiet family dinner at home with Ben making steak and mashies, I covered dessert and was all-around sous chef, and my mom doing veggies, bread, and fish. Each of us doing what we do best! It was utterly delicious, of course! 

Even Susie got in the birthday celebration with some special snacks (aka discarded pieces of fruit)! 

In the end, my dad's vote on dessert out-weighed anyone else's! Since he didn't get to try the fruit tart last time (I sent pictures to my parents... but probably not as yummy!), I made it again this past weekend. Since I didn't need extra crust dough, I halved the crust recipe and I still had plenty of dough for a large tart and 4 tartlets! (Thanks, Jen, for the cute tart shells!)

I realized, while I have a knack for... finding yummy recipes and endeavoring in baking, my mom has the special talent (and patience) for decorating that I do not possess! In the picture with all 4 tartlets, bet you can guess which one I put together... my mom (and dad) designed the others! 

Guess which one I made!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

New Template

Tired of studying. Began playing around with templates and designs. Tell me what you think... or do you miss the PINK?  :)

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Birthday Cake

My dad's birthday is coming up, and I still haven't made the crucial decision on what cake to make for him! I want to know what is your go-to cake recipe, for anything- birthdays, graduations, having people over, parties. Do you have a cake recipe that you can whip out and it turns out delicious every single time?

Honestly, I don't have a go-to cake, that I know I will make every time for a birthday or event. I have made a few successful cakes in the past... cheesecakes, muffins, banana bread, carrot cake, a easy chocolate cake, brownies. But for me, birthday cake is simple and boils down to: yummy cake (usually vanilla or chocolate) and beautiful frosting.

My problem is I don't have the patience for frosting. I'm not a huge fan of the concept of frosting. First, it's usually overly sugary and too sweet, and secondly, it's a pain to frost a cake. So, frosting = not delicious and takes too long, a bad combo for me. So, in the past, I've tried to stay away from frosting and instead use a simple ganache or simply dusting with powdered sugar.

However, this past weekend, a sister at church brought in these divine cupcakes with really pretty frosting. She used a cream cheese frosting, which was an absolute hit! I was literally licking my fingers, it was that good! And, I learned the secret to beautiful frosting is all in the tip, the tip of the frosting bag that is. She made it look easy and nummy! It was inspiring actually- makes me want to give frosting another try.

After some brainstorming, my cake options currently are:
  1. Carrot Cake with Cream Cheese Frosting
  2. Fruit Trifle with Pound Cake and Whipped Cream
  3. Fruit Tart (similar to what I made last week)
  4. Cheesecake, plain and simple
I will appreciate any thoughts on what I should make for my dad's birthday this weekend! Vote or submit your own suggestions! 

Monday, February 14, 2011

Dinner for One

I like to eat well... even when on my own!

Tonight's Menu

Linguine with Lemon Alfredo and Peppered Shrimp
Roasted Asparagus with Sea Salt and Red Pepper Flakes
Wild Blackberry Ice Cream (thank you, Tillamook!), a healthy dose of Gossip Girl 
(gave in to my guilty addiction)


Being Happy On Valentine's Day

to all my single ladies,

I wanted to remind y'all that you are truly loved today! Very appropriately, when I led the Sunday School kids' singing yesterday, I chose the song "I am so glad that our Father in heaven, Tells of His love in the book He has written.... Jesus loves me, Jesus loves me." I told the kids, "Tomorrow (today) is all about LOVE, and don't forget, God loves YOU more than you can ever imagine!" (Well, that's what I was trying to say, I don't think it came out as eloquently...) The song's chorus goes on to repeat the line "Jesus loves me" fifty gazillion times, but it's never cliche. I was reminded just how much I am loved by God. In the words of John Shane, "God is CRAZY about you!" 

I also want to take back all the negativity I've been spewing recently. After thinking about it a little more, I realized that the best things just take time. That's true with boys (wait- no, I want a man, not a boy!) as well. I realized I can either go with the marijuana-smoking, gambling dude that's available now.... or wait for someone better that God has planned specifically for me. 

So even on this... Singles Awareness Day, I am content and satisfied. And sometimes, when I forget everything I just said above, please, PLEASE remind me forcefully that I really don't want to have just any guy right now... I want the perfect man (oxymoron?! jk...) for me! 

And lastly, I want to thank you guys for being the most wonderful support group EVER during the last few months. You guys helped me realize that being single is not the end of the world, in fact, it's far from it! Looking back of the last few months, I think I have truly grown a lot. I am much more independent. I am doing a lot more with my time! I love being able to throw myself into my passions- blogging, cooking, baking, church services. I am becoming better at being a friend, instead of being self-absorbed and self-centered. I'm enjoying life right now, and enjoying spending tons of time with my besties! 

Don't forget, you are loved by God firstly, and by me as well :). 


Saturday, February 12, 2011

A Week of Indian Cuisine

I should know better. Know better than to go outside without an umbrella in Seattle that is! Got caught in the downpour this afternoon on my way home from work. As soon as I got home I ran into a hot shower. Teaches me a lesson in not being always prepared for Seattle weather; even if it's dry and clear in the morning, by afternoon it can be cold, rainy, and dismal.

This past week was an immersion into Indian food. Indian food for dinners and then leftovers the next day for lunch, yum! Monday was Taste of India for Maggie's birthday and on Wednesday, we had church girls' night at Cedars. Different places, different friends, but both times were delicious!

It was my first time at Taste of India; however, I've already heard tons of hype about the place. "Waaaay better than Cedars!" "Unbelievable service (in a good way)!" Gotta say, the place lived up to its reputation! From the moment we entered the restaurant, the staff was extremely welcoming! While we were waiting for our table (really, not much of a "wait"- 3 minutes? and while the rest of our party was still arriving), the waitress brought out cups of chai. Perfect since it was freezing that evening! Then while we were still deciding on what to order, free (yes, FREE!) appetizers were brought out. We were able to taste an assortment of Indian fried goodness, that we probably would not usually order. And of course, the staff continually refilled waters and chai with seemingly every sip. I am not exaggerating! I felt that every time I put down my glass, and someone was there to refill my water to the brim once again. Such attentive service!

I order Mango Curry every single time I go to Indian food- I don't sway much from my loyalties! I love how the mango adds sweetness to the coconut-rich curry. Taste of India did not disappoint, the curry was delicious- smooth, rich, creamy. There was a bit of mix-up with my order- I received shrimp instead of paneer. I guess I got upgraded :D. When I informed our waiter, he graciously brought out another mango curry with paneer this time, and left the shrimp curry with me. So in the end, I suppose I got 2 meals for the price of one! One complaint is that the curry had no hint of spice at all- I ordered mild, expecting just a touch of spiciness, yet the curry was completely unspicy! Coming from me, who doesn't generally like spicy foods, that's saying a lot! Next time, I will probably be a little more daring and order 2 out of 4 stars (I'm assuming "mild" = 0 or 1 star). Also, while the curry had the sweetness characteristics of mango curry, I wasn't sure if there were any mango chunks at all in the curry. The curry seemed to comprise of just creamy sauce and your choice of meat or veggies. There was not much substance to the curry. This is just a minor complaint, since the curry still tasted absolutely delicious! Overall, I really enjoyed my experience at Taste of India- it did not disappoint! Plus, free appetizers, free chai, and free dessert at the end (an assortment of baklava, cheesecake with mango sauce, some type of fried donut with creamy sauce, and a rice pudding) made the experience definitely worth it! I loved the generosity of the restaurant and owner, and I think it pays off- the restaurant was definitely quite busy on a weekday night!

Then, 2 days later I found myself at Cedars ordering Mango Curry with Paneer once more. Our waiter was quite nice and funny- he even tried to learn some Chinese while chatting with us ("xia xia" = thank you)! We ordered a few naans (Indian bread) to start, and they were yummy! I love the chutney and green sauce that you dip the bread in! My mango curry with paneer was slightly different from what I had on Monday at Taste of India. While there were mango chunks, however, I'm not sure if I enjoyed the taste of the mangoes in the curry. Call me picky, but the mangoes seemed to be canned or preserved in some way, having a distinctive taste that I didn't particularly enjoy. However, the rest of the curry (sauce and paneer) was excellent! Plus, I like how at Cedars the paneer is cut into equal-sized chunks, whereas at Taste of India, the paneer was haphazardly shaped. Also, I learned from my mistake and ordered 2 stars in terms of spice level, and the added spice elevated the dish, combining sweetness and saltiness and spiciness! The further dimension of spicy was undoubtedly a plus. I also loved the butter chicken that I tried (Cynthia's dish)! I may have to order that next time! While the service was not quite as attentive and there were not as many waiters/waitresses running around, we still had an enjoyable experience. Really, the benchmark of good service for me now is how low your water glass level goes down to before it gets filled up! Taste of India excelled in that aspect!

There you have it, 2 Indian restaurants in the U-district side-by-side. I think the bottom line is, you really can't go wrong with either place! But if you are the typical college kid looking for free stuff and free food, Taste of India is quite generous with appetizers and desserts, albeit a bit further away! As for my choice... next time, I will have to go with Taste of India and probably try their butter chicken!

Taste of India: 5 out of 5 stars
Cedars: 4 out of 5 stars 

P.S. Don't forget to bring coupons when you try either Indian restaurant! Cedars have a coupon found quarterly in the Survival Guide, while Taste of India has a continual coupon on their website!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

My Mt. Rainier Moment and Fruit Tart

Today I had my Mt. Rainier moment (yes, a reference to Ben S.'s testimony about his college years...). It's unsettling, even now that I'm in grad school where grades really don't and shouldn't matter as much (we always joke about how "we just need to pass" and "in the end, we all graduate and become pharmacists anyways"), how affected I am by a poor grade.

Frankly, I was take aback to learn today that I haven't matured out of my high school (and college) weaknesses. Growing up, I've always had this difficult time accepting anything less than perfect... which makes me Ms. Perfectionist, I suppose. Expecting perfect grades, perfect piano recitals, perfect presentations... all this takes quite an emotional toll when perfection crumbles in the face of human error and frailty. Being the best became my goal and motivation, and pride. And I remember, in the past when I didn't get the grade I wanted and hoped for, everything became dismal and dark. I was the queen of making mountains out of molehills.

Today, when I failed (okay, I didn't fail, but failed to meet my personal expectations for myself), I quickly fell into shock, then unhappiness. Actually, unhappy doesn't fully capture my mood. Let's just say, prior to receiving my test back, I could say lightheartedly, "Freaking out about school is soooooo undergrad." Afterwards, it was a completely different story.

The thoughts that raced through my head were self-deprecating: "I can't believe you got such a low grade!" "This is unacceptable!" "You haven't been studying hard enough, and that's why you didn't do well!"

Eventually, the thoughts also started to blame God: "If I didn't go to prayer meeting the night before my test, I could've done better! I wasted 3 hours of my time that I could've used to study!" "God, why did you not take care of me? Don't You love me?"

As these thoughts swirled around in my head, and I walked in a daze to my next class, my mood sunk into a pallor. (At least I didn't break down and cry, that would've REALLY been just like high school...)

In desperation to escape my gloominess, I made a friend eat lunch with me, which cheered me up somewhat. And I really tried to see things in perspective: "One silly test should NOT affect me this much. And I should be motivated instead of discouraged!" But my thoughts still would sneak back in and condemn me.

It was not until I walked outside at 2:30pm, finally done with classes and meetings that I saw how good I have it. Staring at me in the face was (not Mt. Rainier, as Ben saw as he walked outside after failing his chemistry test in Bagley Hall), a beautiful blue sky and bright sunlight. Maybe a frequent occurrence in sunny SoCal, but in Seattle, we appreciate every clear day we have. For some reason, I felt God's hand in providing the perfect weather we had today. Crisp and cold, but startling bright blue expanse without a single cloud and golden sunlight streaming through the trees. God was smacking me down from my high horse. Here I was doubting God, the Creator of all things, Who is in charge of the weather and nature. At that moment, when I realized and praised God for the beauty of everything He has created, I felt the worries of this silly test slip away. All the fears of not 4.0-ing, my high expectations of myself, the disapproval I felt coming from myself disappeared. It really became just one test, one grade, not the end of the world. So what if I didn't ace this test? So what if I don't ace this class even? So what if my GPA does slip a little? Does that make God any less real and true to me? I want to emphatically say, "No."

This is the assurance of being a Christian. Not some far away salvation (yes, we do have salvation from death and hell), but salvation is also REAL and NOW. God saves me from my self-deprecating thoughts, from my judgement on myself, from my unhappiness and insecurities and worries about tomorrow. He truly is the God who holds my tomorrow. With God in my life, I know that no matter what happens, He has the best plan in mind for me.

Fruit Tart with Pastry Cream

Tart Crust

2 1/2 c. flour
3 tbsp. sugar
1 c. cold butter, cut into small pieces
4 tbsp. ice cold water
2 egg yolks, lightly beaten


  1. Mix flour and sugar in a large mixing bowl. Cut in pieces of cold butter (either in food processor or with a pastry knife), until mixture resembles coarse cornmeal. Add cold water, and continue processing in food processor or pastry knife until dough can just hold together without being wet or sticky. Add beat eggs. If too dry or crumbly, add more cold water until dough just holds together when you pinch it between your fingers. 
  2. Turn half of dough mixture onto a large piece of plastic wrap. Grasping ends of the plastic wrap, form dough into circular disk, and chill in fridge for at least an hour. Repeat with other half of dough. 
  3. Take out one dough disk, and on lightly floured surface, roll out dough into circle 2 inches wider than tart pan. Fold dough into quarters, then lift into pan. Unfold dough, and press firmly into tart pan. Trim excess dough with scissors. 
  4. Line tart shell with parchment or wax pepper, and weight with beans or rice. Bake in preheated oven at 375 degrees for 15-18 minutes. Remove paper and weights, and continue to bake until tart shell is golden brown. Cool tart shell before adding filling. 
Note: Remaining half of the dough may be frozen up to a month, if wrapped well in plastic and placed in ziplock bag. 

Pastry Cream

1 c. milk
2 tsp. vanilla extract
1/4 c. plus 1 tbsp. sugar
3 egg yolks
1 tbsp. cornstarch
1 tbsp. flour
1 tbsp butter


  1. Mix together milk, sugar, and vanilla extract in medium saucepan. In a separate bowl, beat yolks, 1 tbsp. sugar, cornstarch, and flour until smooth and thick. 
  2. Heat milk mixture while stirring over high heat, until just boiling (scalding). Pour about half the hot milk mixture into the yolk mixture slowly to temper (if you add the egg yolks straight into the hot mixture, the eggs will curdle! My mistake the first time around...). Combine the yolk mixture with the rest of the hot milk in saucepan, and quickly bring to boil, whisking rapidly to prevent burning. 
  3. Remove from heat. Add butter (butter will melt into hot cream). Cool before filling tart shell. 
  4. Fill tart shell with pastry cream. Arrange fruit on top (making sure all the fruit is completely dry to prevent watering down the cream). 

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Who's Coming for... Dessert?

Pictures say what a thousand words cannot. Recipe will be coming soon! 

Fruit Tart with Pastry Cream

1. Tart Crust (unbaked)

2. Golden Brown Tart Crust (baked)

3. Pastry Cream (scalding hot milk, sugar, and vanilla)

 4. Pastry Cream
(whisking egg yolk with corn starch and flour until smooth)

 4. Pastry Cream (failed first attempt)

5. Pastry Cream
(second attempt- SUCCESS with silky smooth texture!)

 5. Prior to Assembling Tart

6. Fruit Tart

Friday, February 4, 2011

Happy Chinese New Years!

My poor blog, are you feeling neglected? I have been ignoring you for almost a week now! But I promise, not by choice! Blame school- that evil time-sucking institution that has held me captive this past week!

Yet, eating poorly while studying frantically I have not! My mom came up to Seattle for Chinese New Years and cooked loads of yummy food for my brother and I a few days ago! Can I say... LUCKY ME?! I can't cook authentic Chinese food the way my mother churns it out seemingly effortlessly!

I have been eating too well the last few days... the holiday pounds truly are becoming a reality *shudder.* 

FEAST FROM THE EAST (I'm terrible at puns... I know!)
At least it's not "feast like... beasts?!"
The fourth place setting was for Patty, our roommate.
Dad was living it up in Taiwan with the real  Chinese New Year's celebration!

Ribs... yummy! This was my favorite!